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Website Setup

Migrating from GitHub Pages to Cloudflare Pages.


Account Home, Compute (Workers) then the Pages tab to connect Cloudflare to GitHub jeffmccune/

Google Organization

Setup a google organization so we have inexpensive access to a GKE autopilot cluster, identity and access management, and workload identity token exchange.

Created a new browser profile for the task. The overall process is:

  1. Verify the domain.
  2. Configure SMTP forwarding rules in Cloudflare.
  3. Setup the domain admin cloud identity account.
  4. Grant access to the primary google account I use.
  5. Setup some Google security groups.
  6. Create the GKE autopilot cluster.
  7. Configure holos to use the autopilot cluster.

Sign up for Cloud Identity Free

Went through the wizard and setup [email protected]. Two factor, passkey in iCloud keychain. Had to enable passkeys at and sign into Chrome to get the passkey to save correctly.

The rest of the setup is done in a chrome profile logged in as super-admin.

Started Google Cloud setup by browsing to

Worked through setting up logging and and security but didn't setup the Hierarchy and access.

Created a project, jeffmccune-com and switched to gcloud for the rest.

GKE Security Group

Browse to and create a group named gke-security-groups. See Set up your Google Groups

Kubernetes Cluster

PROJECT_ID="$(gcloud config get-value project)"
PROJECT_NUMBER="$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format='value(projectNumber)')"

Init to the super-admin account. Fine for now.

gcloud container clusters create-auto autopilot \
--release-channel=stable \
--monitoring=SYSTEM \
--logging=SYSTEM \
--enable-master-global-access \
--enable-master-authorized-networks \
--master-authorized-networks= \
--region=us-central1 \

Get the kubeconfig

mkdir -p ~/.holos
KUBECONFIG=${HOME}/.holos/kubeconfig.autopilot.${PROJECT_ID} \
gcloud container clusters get-credentials autopilot --region=us-central1

Move to where holos expects it.

(cd ~/.holos && ln -sf kubeconfig.autopilot.${PROJECT_ID} kubeconfig.provisioner

We need to run some kubectl commands.

export KUBECONFIG="${HOME}/.holos/kubeconfig.provisioner"

Create the secrets namespace

kubectl create namespace secrets

Now we can script secrets with holos. Workload identity setup and integration with External Secrets operator is another topic.